Wanted: viewings of rare species!
Nature observations in the Natura 2000 site Lendspitz-Maiernigg

You like to take pictures in nature and are interested in biodiversity? Then you should definitely take part in the ‚City Nature Challenge‘ in Klagenfurt. At the same time, you can help us monitor rare animal species in the Natura 2000 site Lendspitz-Maiernigg in Klagenfurt.
Every sighting counts.
When: 30 April until 3 May 2021
Who are we trying to spot?
- Birds like Savi's warbler, Great Crested Grebe and Coot;
- Different kinds of dragonflies
- Otter
- Beaver
- and many more
How can I participate?
Register for free on iNaturalist (App or PC) via www.inaturalist.org and you are good to go! Then, you take pictures of your sightings, upload the photos and help to determine them.
The app shares the data with scientific data collections like the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, that is used by researchers all around the globe. Thus, you contribute to international research.
Please record your sightings in the Natura200 site and its surroundings also here and send them to Susanne Glatz-Jorde (glatz-jorde@e-c-o.at). For questions you may reach her on +43 664 2429745.
Further information:
City Nature Challenge
Biodiversitätsrates Österreich
The City Nature Challenge is a friendly global Citizen Science Competition in selected urban areas of the world for synchronic photographic recording of animals, plants and mushrooms living in the wild. It was initiated by the California Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles using the iNaturalist internet platform.