Better to Live the Unusual Way

This year’s office outing took the E.C.O. team into the Lesach Valley. Biologist Simone Matouch gave us an insight into the Natur- und Kräuterwerkstatt Lesachtal. Simone has been involved with wild herbs and their uses for many years, and conjures up good and healthy things from them. Under her expert guidance the team from E.C.O. was able to seek out the best things in the herb garden, harvest them and transform them into exclusive crèmes and tasty mustard and pesto.
“Better to live the unusual way”, the motto adopted by the Dutchman Huub Traag, is one the E.C.O. staff and their families were pleased to follow the next day. Equipped with Dutch clogs they enjoyed a “farmers’ golf” tournament on Huub’s estate in Niedergail. After the strenuous and heated competitions, a hearty Lesachtaler Jause provided much-needed refreshment, and a concluding visit to the Mautner Klamm ravine gave a welcome opportunity to cool down.
We are looking forward to the next joint outing.