Successfully completed!

This year, the European Parks Academy took place in Klagenfurt already for the second time. In cooperation with the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA/IUCN) and supported by the Austrian Ministry of Tourism and Sustainability, E.C.O. has successfully concluded the second summer academy. The seminars included the topics of ecological monitoring and management of world heritage sites. In a week full of intensive work with international experts and protected areas managers, challenges and experiences have been discussed. The first day, the academy participants had the chance to visit the Conference on the coordination and management of World Heritage Sites by the example of the World Heritage serial property of “The Ancient and Primeval beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe” in Vienna. A visit to the Pyramidenkogel and an excursion the Kalkalpen National park were a nice way to part.
Next year will be another chance to participate at the EUROPEAN PARKS ACADEMY. Take the chance and contact our organization team!